How to Share Mediaset Infinity Plus Subscription

How to Share Mediaset Infinity Plus Subscription

GoSplit Team
2024-05-28 02:45:30

If you're a fan of movies, TV series, sports, and documentaries, you know how important it is to have a quality online content offering. For this reason, you've decided to subscribe to Infinity Plus, Mediaset's streaming service that allows you to access thousands of on-demand titles and Premium channels.

But did you know you can make your subscription even more cost-effective and beneficial? How? Simple: by sharing it with others. In this post, we'll explain how to share an Infinity Plus subscription with your friends, family, or colleagues, saving on costs and increasing the fun.

We'll show you the available sharing options, the requirements and limitations to respect, and the benefits you can gain. Plus, we'll give you some practical tips for managing your shared subscription and avoiding potential problems or misunderstandings.

If you want to find out how to share an Infinity Plus subscription easily, safely, and legally, keep reading this post. We assure you it's worth it!

Mediaset Infinity Plus: Your Cinema and Entertainment, On Demand

Mediaset Infinity Plus is Mediaset's streaming service that offers an unparalleled experience in the world of digital entertainment. With a library full of movies, dramas, TV series, sports events, and documentaries, you have the freedom to choose what to watch and when, on demand or live on Premium channels. Customizable Subscription Plans:

  • Infinity+ mensile: Enjoy all the Infinity+ content for only €7.99 per month. Perfect for discovering the service. 
  • Infinity+ semestrale: Extend the experience and save with a six-month subscription for €39 (instead of €47.94) with automatic renewal. 
  • Infinity+ annuale: The best of Infinity+ all year round at €5.75 per month for 12 months, an unbeatable offer for entertainment lovers. 
  • Infinity+ & MGM+: Combine Infinity+ with MGM+ for an even richer experience at €8.99 per month
  • Infinity+ & Midnight Factory: For night owls and fans of the horror and thriller genre, at €9.99 per month
Abbonamento Mediaset Infinity

All plans are flexible. The registration process is simple and free, change or cancel your plan at any time, with the convenience of a 30-day duration and automatic renewal. 

Discover the Benefits of Infinity+: 

  • Premiere Infinity+: A premiere movie every Friday, big titles available for a week. 
  • Dual Viewing: Enjoy on two devices simultaneously. 
  • Personalization: Create individual profiles for tailored experiences. 
  • Multi-device: Watch on PC, smart TV, smartphone, and tablet. 
  • Gold Account: Less advertising on free content with the Gold account.

To use Mediaset Infinity Plus, all you need is an internet connection and a compatible device: smart TV, PC, smartphone, tablet, or console. Mediaset Infinity Plus is not just a choice, it's a lifestyle for those who love entertainment and want to always have the best online content available, without constraints and limits.

Sharing Mediaset Infinity Plus Subscription

Sharing a Mediaset Infinity Plus subscription is a great way to maximize the value of your entertainment plan and enjoy the content with friends or family. There are two main ways to share: create your own group of co-subscribers or join an existing group.

Creating a Group of Co-subscribers

To start, creating your own group is simple. First, register on Mediaset Infinity and subscribe to a plan that supports viewing on multiple devices. After setting up your account, you can invite others to join. Here's how: 

  1. Log in to your Mediaset Infinity account and go to the 'Area Utente'. 
  2. Select 'Gestisci Profili' and then 'Aggiungi Profilo' for each new co-subscriber. 
  3. Assign a name to the profile and customize the settings according to the co-subscriber's preferences. 
  4. Share the login credentials with your co-subscribers, respecting data privacy and security regulations.

With your Mediaset Infinity Plus account, you can link up to a maximum of 4 devices, and two of these can enjoy content simultaneously, even from different networks. This means that you and a co-subscriber can enjoy different content at the same time, maintaining your viewing autonomy.

infinity plus quanti dispositivi

Joining a Shared Subscription

If you prefer to join a shared subscription, you might use subscription sharing platforms that connect users with similar interests. These online tools manage cost division and provide a structure for secure payment. Here are the general steps:

  1. Find a reliable service that offers Infinity Plus subscription sharing. 
  2. Register and look for a group that needs a co-subscriber. 
  3. Follow the provided instructions for payments and access credentials. 
  4. Log in to the shared profile and customize your preferences. 

Managing Profiles and Associated Devices

Once your group is set up, managing profiles and associated devices is crucial to maintaining order and privacy. Each co-subscriber can have a personalized profile; this keeps watch lists and recommendations separate. If you are the administrator, you can:

  1. Visit 'My Profile' and then 'Manage Profiles' to view or modify existing profiles. 
  2. Select 'Manage Devices' to check which devices are connected and remove them if necessary.

Sharing your Mediaset Infinity Plus subscription is an intuitive and secure process that opens the door to hours of shared entertainment. By following these steps, you can easily set up and enjoy your streaming service with others, respecting norms and maintaining an impeccable user experience.

Join Us in the World of Mediaset Infinity Plus

We have explored the shared value and convenience of a Mediaset Infinity Plus subscription. Remember, by sharing your subscription, you not only maximize the viewing experience but also share the magic of cinema and TV series with those you care about. Don't miss the opportunity to customize your entertainment and enjoy viewing on multiple devices.

Now it's your turn! Try the solutions we've proposed and dive into the pleasure of sharing your Infinity Plus subscription. We're curious to know how you'll find it and what stories you'll choose to experience together.

Type of sharing
Password Sharing
Number of places
Maximum 3 joiners
GoSplit Team
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